Translation is one of the most important jobs in the world. Today, the world is becoming one through information and communication services. Any person who wants to increase profits and expand his work there are many ways.Website of any company is very beneficial. Now everyone also realizes that it is very important to have a website in different languages of various countries and also states that it is a much more effective way to promote their business.

Translation requires knowledge of not only the languages but also the culture of the source and target translation. Translation is does not only mean translating the words and idioms of one language to another, but is something much more than that. The translator needs to be aware of different aspects of the region and hence the language should be of high standard.

Website Translation is a process which requires being aware of the target area. Cultural and linguistic areas have to be overcome. It requires a number of experts in the field of programmers, translators and computer engineers.

Importance of Website Translation

With the continuous expansion of the use of Internet and Media, it is necessary for companies to provide multi –lingual contents on their website.

  • Website Translation is one of the most convenient method to expand the area of work
  • It is a necessary feature for developing an effective website.
  • It is possible to communicate a large number of people in different languages.
  • Communication in the native language makes better understanding.
  • Customers will be spending more time on the site.
  • More chances of better marketing.
  • Web Translation provides fast and low cost ways to translate.
  • Translation is done in a few seconds.
  • New contents and updates are done automatically.
  • It is easy to use.
  • Translations can be done in number of languages at a time.

Web Translation —- Your Key to Global SEO.

What is SEO Search Engine Optimization is the method of improving the visibility of a website on the internet using various tools.

Global SEO is a great way for opening a business in the growing market. But this is possible only if there is a deep understanding of the differences in the target market. It is a key to establishing a long time online business.

Website translation is a key to Global SEO. The business expands in different countries faster when the website speaks the language of the customer. More and more people and companies understand the fact that selling to international customers is possible only by website and Website Translation helps to maximize the global business. Revenues can be increased by having a multi lingual website because it helps to access millions of customers. Competitors tend to gain more importance if they have a multi-lingual website.

In order to become a true international player in the field of business it is essential to have localization of the website. This is an indication that you understand and respect the choices of the customers.

Website localization or Website Translation being a crucial process requires experts having knowledge of programming, language and culture. This does not translate all the words and phrases; hence the translator must be aware of all the variants of the target language. It should be remembered that Website Translation is your key to Global SEO

CAT (Computer Assisted Translation) Which one should you be using?

Translation is converting a text or an article from one language to another language without changing the idea. It is not an easy task. Several factors need to be considered to bring out the exact meaning from the source language to the target language. The main aspects to be kept in mind are the basic ideas of the writing, the spellings in both languages and their writing script. The following 4 requirements have to be fulfilled while doing translation-

  • The translation has to make sense.
  • It should display the spirit of the original.
  • The expression should be natural.
  • It should not be word to word translation.

Importance of Translation

  • Translation plays an important role in the national and international companies. For Multinational companies having their offices in different countries, translation is inevitable in negotiating terms.
  • In external affairs the leaders need to convey their ideas to other parts of the world. A proper translation is a must to avoid problems.
  • Translation plays a vital role in different art forms like music, dance, theatre and films.
  • Transmitting of news from different sectors requires a proper translation.
  • Sharing and caring helps to attain global citizenship. Ideas need to be communicated immediately without any ambiguity.
  • Tourism around the world calls for appropriate translation.

In the modern times there are more convenient methods of translation than just Manual translation. There is Automatic Translation also known as Machine Translation.
Machine translation (MT) is translation of documents through a machine and is effective for texts with an appropriate degree of accuracy and standardization. The device could read the document only if it was written in a language that it could read. The drawbacks of this method gave birth to Computer Assisted Translation (CAT) in which a translator uses computer software as an aid to translate.

Benefits of Computer Assisted Translation

  • The terminology management tool helps to increase the quantity of work.
  • Terminology management also improves the quality of the translation
  • Specialized software or CAT Tools help the translator to work better and faster.
  • Cat tools standardize the glossary
  • Online-review of the documents becomes easier.
  • Cat tools will count words, analyzetext, compare portions of their source and target language.

The softwaretools mostly used by translators are

  • Translation memory.
  • Terminology management tools.
  • Grammar and spell check engines
  • Quality assurance tools
  • Project management software
  • Alignment software
  • Dictionaries –Lingual and bilingual
  • Alignment Tools

CAT Tools provide great help to the proofreaders, translators and editors to produce a high quality translation. These tools make the work partly automatic. They enable consistency in all media and other types of communication. CAT demands the source text to have Terminology consistency, phrase consistency and short and simple sentences. In Computer Assisted Translation the computer remains the workplace where the translator has a number of tools and programs. There is a freedom of movement and flexibility. It must be remembered that for a successful translation the translator needs to have the knowledge of all aspects of the languages and culture.